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It is currently 11 Sep 2024, 7:12

All times are UTC

Code Meaning  Code Meaning 
// Weather is clear or current weather is not detectable METAR Aerodrome routine meteorological report
/// No cumulonimbus or towering cumulus clouds MI Shallow
Light MOD Moderate
Moderate MOV Moving
+ Heavy MS Minus
9999 Visibility 10 km or greater MTW Mountain waves
ABT About NC No changes
AC Altocumulus NCD No cloud detected (for METAR AUTO)
AGL Above ground level NDV No directional variation available (for METAR AUTO)
AIP Aeronautical information package NOSIG No significant change
AIREP Air report from aircraft in flight NOTAM Notice to airmen
AMD Amended NS Nimbostratus
AMSL Above mean sea level NSC No significant cloud
ARFOR Area forecast NSW No significant weather
AS Altostratus OBSC Obscured
ATIS Automatic terminal information service OCNL Occasional
ATS Air traffic service OVC Overcast (8 oktas)
AUTO Automatic aerodrome meteorological report PIREP Pilot report
AWIB Automatic weather information service PL Ice pellets
AWS Automatic weather station PO Dust devils
BC Patches PR Partial
BECMG Becoming PROB Probability
BKN Broken (5—7 oktas) PROV Provisional
BL Blowing PS Plus
BR Mist QNH Pressure at sea level
BWR Basic weather report RA Rain
CAT Clear air turbulence RE Recent
CAVOK Ceiling and visibility are OK RMK Remrak
CB Cumulonimbus RVR Runway visibility range
CLD Cloud SA Sand
CNL Cancelled SC Stratocumulus
COR Corrected SCT Scattered (3—4 oktas)
CU Cumulus SEV Severe
DP Dew point SG Snow grains
DR Drifting SH Shower
DS Dust storm SIG Significant
DU Dust SIGMET Significnat meteorological information
DZ Drizzle SKC Sky clear
EMBD Embedded SN Snow
FC Funnel cloud SPECI Special meteorological report
FCST Forecast SQ Squall
FEW Few (1—2 oktas) SS Sandstorm
FG Fog ST Status
FIR Flight information region STNR Stationary
FL Flight level SURF Surface
FM From T Temperature
FRQ Frequent TAF Aerodrome forecast
FU Smoke TC Tropical cyclone
FZ Freezing TCU Towering cumulus
FZL Freezing level TEMPO Temporary
G Gusts TL Till
GOOD Visibility greater than 10 km TREND Trend forecast
GR Hail (5 mm and more) TS Thunderstorm
GS Hail (small than 5 mm) TURB Trubulence
HVY Heavy UTC Coordinated universal time
HZ Haze V Variations from mean wind direction
IC Ice crystals VA Volcanic ash
ICE Icing VC Vicinity of aerodrome
IFR Instrument flight rules VFR Visual flight rules
IMC Instrument meteorological conditions VMC Visual meteorological conditions
INC In clouds VRB Variable
INTER Intermittently (less than 30 minutes) WDSPR Widespread
INTSF Intensify WKN Weakening
ISOL Isolated WS Windshear
LSQ Line squall WX Weather
LYR Layer Z Coordinated universal time

All times are UTC
