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It is currently 2 Dec 2024, 6:48

All times are UTC

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Weather statistics of Latvia
Liepaja (EVLA)
Riga (EVRA)
Ventsils (EVVA)

Liepaja (EVLA)

Wind direction and velocity

Wind direction and velocity, Liepaja (EVLA)
Air temperature

Air temperature, Liepaja (EVLA)
Dew point

Dew point, Liepaja (EVLA)
Atmospheric pressure at sea level

Atmospheric pressure at sea level, Liepaja (EVLA)
Current day  Period (not more than 200 days):   Consider gusts 

Riga (EVRA)

Wind direction and velocity

Wind direction and velocity, Riga (EVRA)
Air temperature

Air temperature, Riga (EVRA)
Dew point

Dew point, Riga (EVRA)
Atmospheric pressure at sea level

Atmospheric pressure at sea level, Riga (EVRA)
Current day  Period (not more than 200 days):   Consider gusts 

Ventsils (EVVA)

Wind direction and velocity

Wind direction and velocity, Ventsils (EVVA)
Air temperature

Air temperature, Ventsils (EVVA)
Dew point

Dew point, Ventsils (EVVA)
Atmospheric pressure at sea level

Atmospheric pressure at sea level, Ventsils (EVVA)
Current day  Period (not more than 200 days):   Consider gusts 

All times are UTC